What an interesting show!  Our guest was Caleb Gilmore, President of Suzie’s Pet Treats.  Suzie’s was co-founded by Richard Squire and Caleb Gilmore.  Richard was a family friend of the Gilmores and entrepreneur who encouraged Caleb to leave college and pursue a career as an independent business owner.  Caleb took the leap and has never looked back.  

Suzie was Richard’s dog and the inspiration for Suzie’s Pet Treats.  After Richard had a back operation and some experience with prescription opioids, he discovered that DBD provided relief from the pain and inflammation.  Suzie was aging and having difficult getting up sometimes.  Richard started giving her a CBD treat and the results were amazing – for both of them!    Read more

Monkey’s House is not what you might think.  It’s not a place for primates, it’s a dog hospice & sanctuary founded in 2015 by Jeff and Michele Allen.  I’m so glad these two people met each other because together they are doing some pretty fantastic things.  How they met is pretty interesting because they were fixed up on a blind date where they went horse back riding.  They didn’t want to disappoint the person who introduced them, so they kept dating until they fell in love.  

Michele is a RN, BSN, member of the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care, and a 2017 CNN Hero Recipient.  She spends her days, double full time (that’s 24/7/365) caring for the dogs as Monkey’s House.   Jeff leads a dual life helping both people and dog.  He serves as a manager in Human Resources for a pharmaceutical company and runs Monkey’s House with Michele.  Their sanctuary has been recognized for its outstanding work saving and caring for hospice dogs and was awarded Rescue of the Year in 2017 by World Dog Expo.  They live on a small farm in southern New Jersey in the vicinity of vineyards and corn fields where their dogs have plenty of room to play and thrive.   

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Karen Bartoszek is a pet friendly advocate and consultant and is also the founder of Pets Living the Dream.  This organization provides business consulting for the creation of pet friendly programs that help cities and businesses stand out from their competition and win the praise of pet parents – especially the much-coveted Millennials and Gen Zs.    Read more

Today’s guest was Dr. Glenn Buckley, D.V.M., CEO and founder of Pet Rescue Rx.  Dr. Buckley attended veterinary school at Louisiana State University School of Medicine.  As a practicing veterinarian, he worked as an emergency vet in South Florida.  After closing that practice and returning to his hometown of Akron, New York (not too far from Buffalo), he and his brother Scott started Pet Rescue Rx.  Dr. Buckley knew he had found a way to continue to help both loved pets and pets in rescue.    Read more

Today we welcomed back to the show, Johnna Devereaux.  Johnna is a certified clinical pet nutritionist, founder of Fetch RI and Director of Nutrition and Wellness for Bow Wow Labs.  In an earlier life she was a short sale negotiator before meeting her dog, Diego, who changed her trajectory forever.  Diego is a rescue dog who had numerous health issues as a pup.  This set Johnna on a path to pursue her certification in pet nutrition and interest as an herbalist.  There has been no looking back.  Since then she opened a unique pet boutique in Rhode Island known as Fetch RIjoined the team at Bow Wow Labs and adopted Lola.    Read more

Today’s guest was Jodi Clock, a Certified Pet Loss Professional (CPLP) and the founder of Clock’s Timeless Pets.  Clock’s Timeless Pets provides cremation services for pet parents in and around Muskegon, Michigan.  Their motto is “Unconditional care for the loss of your pet.”  The Clock Family has been serving both humans and their pets in the funeral industry since 1897.   

The loss of a loved one is never easy.  Yet, we all have questions regarding the type of end of life care we want our loved one to receive.  There are many options.  Clock’s Timeless Pets has an excellent Frequently Asked Questions section that can answer many of your questions.  You can also find the “Pet Parent’s Guide to Planning Ahead.”    Read more

Today we were joined by Russell Breuer, who along with his spouse, founded Spot & Tango.  Spot & Tango is dog food, but reimagined.  Their site allows you to build your dog’s personalized meal plan with honest guidance and real ingredients.   

The company was inspired by the founders’ dog, Jack.  They were cooking home-made meals for him and an idea was born.  Why not create a company that provided human grade cooked fresh meals full of fresh fruits and vegetables?    Read more

Joey’s Legacy is a not for profit organization whose mission is to educate pet parents and provide assistance when a pet is lost through the negligence or malpractice of a veterinarian.  The organization was founded in 2017, after founder Scott Fine lost his beloved Doxie, Joey to an act of medical malpractice.  It is Scott’s desire that his loss and this organization can prevent another pet parent’s future loss.    Read more

What is the Paw and Feather Plan?  The Paw and Feather Plan was created in 2018 by Jessica Pita to provide care for pets when a pet parent is no longer able, due to death, illness or extreme life events.  They specialize in placing pets in permanent, loving homes.   

Jessica has been a shelter volunteer and an employee.  She has seen the sadness, the agony and heartbreak that loved pets experience when they have lost their pet parent.  Pets are given up to shelters for many reasons – but one reason a pet should NEVER be in a shelter is because the pet parent didn’t have a plan.    Read more