Frequently Asked Questions


A pet trust is a legal instrument designed to provide one or more pets with lifetime love and care.  You detail the instructions you want for your pet’s care.  You leave money to provide for their future including food, toys, and medical care.  You choose where you want your pet to live and with whom.  Your pet trustee makes sure your wishes are carried out on behalf of your loved pet.

Today, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have adopted statutory laws that provide for the creation of a trust for the benefit of a domestic pet.  Your pet (not a person) is the beneficiary of the pet trust.  As a result, your pet has legal rights that can be protected and enforced.

No one loves your pet like you do.  You would never intentionally harm your pet or put them in harm’s way.  Yet, more than 500,000 loved pets are euthanized each year because their pet parent didn’t have a plan for what happens in the event the pet parent becomes disabled or dies.  Your pet should never end up in a shelter, scared and alone.  You don’t want your pet to a become a statistic.

Your pets are your children.  Yet, they will never grow up, never hold a job, and will never be able to take care of themselves.  It’s your responsibility to plan for your loved pet if something happens to you. Get a pet trust today!

More than 50% of Americans haven’t planned for themselves.  That means there are literally millions of pets at risk every day!

If you have created an estate plan for yourself, congratulations!  You are doing better than the 50% of Americans who have no estate plan.  However, an estate plan for you is just the first step. You still have to protect your pet.  The law says you can’t leave money directly to your pet.  If you leave money to a person, they may not take care of your pet.  Only a pet trust, a legally enforceable instrument, provides you with the peace of mind to know that your pet will be loved and cared for. 

You have to create a pet trust to provide your pet with lifetime love and care.  Today, all 50 states and the District of Columbia recognize pet trusts where your pet is the beneficiary, entitled to legal protection under the law.

Animal Care Trust USA, is the only nonprofit organization that provides options for lifetime pet care as well as pet trustee services to make sure your loved pet receives lifetime love and care.

YES, you should still protect your loved pet with a pet trust, even if you haven’t created an estate plan for yourself.  You can create a standalone pet trust today to provide your loved pet with lifetime love and care.  Animal Care Trust USA makes it easy!

Join our ACT4Pets Community Pet Trust, purchase our Forever Loved Pet Trust or create a custom pet trust with your attorney or one of ours.  You decide where your pet will live – with a Forever
Family, at a Forever Sanctuary – or remain in your home, an option we call Forever Home.

Enrollment in our Pet Protection Plan ensures your pet is protected if something happens to you.  Get a pet trust today!

We are happy to discuss the details! Contact us today.

The ACT4Pets Community Pet Trust is a trust you join.  It’s our easiest and most budget friendly pet trust option.  We’ve created the master trust.  You sign a joinder agreement and tell us about your loved pet.  You’ll provide proof of funding (the required amount depends on the type and number of pets you are protecting) and enroll in our Pet Protection Plan (just $10 per month).   

When you die, your pet will be placed with a Forever Family or as part of a Forever Sanctuary program.  The money you leave provides the resources needed to ensure your pet has ongoing oversight, assistance with medical expenses and our Forever Loved Journey’s End final disposition.   

Join today! 

The Forever Loved Pet Trust is a pet trust you can personalize to meet your needs and the needs of your loved pet.  You can select your own pet caregivers, trustees and remainder beneficiaries OR you can enlist the help of Animal Care Trust USA to place your pet with a Forever Family or Forever Sanctuary and provide pet trustee services.  Our pet trustee services ensure your pet has happy home, monthly monitoring, assistance with medical expenses and is enrolled in the Forever Loved Journey’s End program.  The choice is yours.  

Purchase the Forever Loved Pet TrustAnimal Care Trust USA can act as your pet trustee upon request when you enroll in our monthly Pet Protection Plan.

You can create a custom pet trust to meet your unique needs and those of your loved pet.  You can engage the services of an attorney of your choice or work with one of ours.  Pricing will vary based on your selection of legal counsel. 

A custom pet trust gives you the greates flexibilty.  You select your pet caregivers.  Animal Care Trust can act as trustee and provide pet trustee services including oversight for the daily care of your pet, along with the investment, administration and distribution of trust assets.  You choose your remainder beneficiary after the pet trust purpose is complete. 

This option works best for pet parents who have multiple pets, harder to care for pets like horses, birds or reptiles or if you want your pet to remain in your home (we call this program Forever Home).  

If you use your own attorney, we will need to review and approve your pet trust prior to accepting the role of pet trustee.  You can submit your trust for review and approval.  We’ve provided drafting guidelines to provide assistance to your legal counsel.  Trustees’ fees will vary based on the funding and complexity of your pet trust plan.  

You have choices.  We have solutions.


FOREVER HOME – The Forever Home Program is designed for pet parents who want their loved pet to remain at home with no change in their environment or daily routine.  Choose your own pet caregiver, or allow Animal Care Trust USA to place a qualified pet caregiver in your home to provide lifetime love and care to your loved pet.  This option requires a custom pet trust and sufficient financial resources for the lifetime care of your pet, the care and maintenance of your home, and compensation for your pet caregiver and trustee.

FOREVER FAMILY – The Forever Family Program places your loved pet with a loving family who will provide lifetime love and care.  Your pet trust will provide for the health, care, and maintenance of your loved pet.

FOREVER SANCTUARY –  The Forever Sanctuary Program places your loved pet in a sanctuary environment with other loved pets.  This may be the best option for loved pets that have long lives, are hard to place, or would thrive best in a group or farm environment.  Your pet trust will provide for the health, care, and maintenance of your loved pet.