In a recent episode of All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Courtney and David Roché shared their personal accounts of pet bereavement, and explained how Whisker & Fang aids individuals who are grieving the loss of a pet.

Courtney and David Roché are the co-founders of Whisker & Fang, a company that produces personalized memorials for pets. Their pet bereavement journey began in 2020, when their beloved boxer, Ruby passed away following a tumultuous battle with cancer. Devastated by their loss, they searched for a memorial that could honor Ruby’s character adequately.

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In a recent episode of All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Nick Musica delves into the world of animal clairvoyance and provides tips for intuitively communicating with pets.

Nick Musica is an SEO expert and psychic animal communicator. After one of Nick’s friends introduced him to the concept of communicating with animals he became fascinated by the topic. Following a consultation with a medium, Nick soon realized his potential. He began communicating with people’s animals and helping individuals develop their own intuitive abilities.

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In a recent episode of All My Children Wear Fur Coats, we met up with Erika Sinner from Directorie to learn about her philosophy on pet bereavement, and her advocacy for increased empathy in the workplace.

Erika Sinner worked in pharmaceutical marketing for over a decade before she founded Directorie. Directorie is a marketing agency that connects in-house teams, contractors, and external partners in the device and pharma sectors. As a self-proclaimed “Chief Empathy Officer,” she created a company culture that celebrates authenticity, vulnerability, and hard work.

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In a recent episode of All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Sue discussed animal behavior issues and explained how her website supports individuals who were faced with euthanizing a behaviorally challenged animal. Sue Alexander is a certified professional dog trainer, and a certified K9 behavioral consultant.

Sue owns and operates Dogs in the Park, which offers in-person and virtual classes for obedience and behavior programming. She also owns and operates Dog Trainer’s Crucible, a consulting company for dog training businesses. On top of that, she owns and administers Losing Lulu, a website intended to support individuals who have lost an animal to behavioral problems.

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Judy Helm Wright was our show’s guest to talk about the difficult subject of pet loss and the grief surrounding that loss.  Judy is multi-talented.  She is an author, a historian, an IntuitiveWiseWoman and has created and curated hundreds of resources for people of all ages.  Judy is also a certified Pet Grief Coach who takes pride in her work with animal Human Connection.    Read more

Today’s guest was Jodi Clock, a Certified Pet Loss Professional (CPLP) and the founder of Clock’s Timeless Pets.  Clock’s Timeless Pets provides cremation services for pet parents in and around Muskegon, Michigan.  Their motto is “Unconditional care for the loss of your pet.”  The Clock Family has been serving both humans and their pets in the funeral industry since 1897.   

The loss of a loved one is never easy.  Yet, we all have questions regarding the type of end of life care we want our loved one to receive.  There are many options.  Clock’s Timeless Pets has an excellent Frequently Asked Questions section that can answer many of your questions.  You can also find the “Pet Parent’s Guide to Planning Ahead.”    Read more

Joey’s Legacy is a not for profit organization whose mission is to educate pet parents and provide assistance when a pet is lost through the negligence or malpractice of a veterinarian.  The organization was founded in 2017, after founder Scott Fine lost his beloved Doxie, Joey to an act of medical malpractice.  It is Scott’s desire that his loss and this organization can prevent another pet parent’s future loss.    Read more

Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats was Bob Jenkins, Co-founder of Let Your Love Grow.  Let Your Love Grow (LYLG) is a unique, one-of-a-kind product.

Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats with host, Peggy Hoyt, featured Dr. Raye Taylor.  Dr. Taylor is a veterinarian with Blue Skies  This organization focuses on end of life care for our beloved pets.

Today’s show featured Pet Perennials co-founder, Remy Bibaud.  Remy and her partner, Lori, created Cherished Ones, LLC and Pet Perennials in response to their own loved pets that had passed away.