Today’s guest was Kim Merritt, co-founder and chief advocate for Good Dog in a Box. Good Dog in a Box is a dog products company with it’s roots in positive reinforcement dog training.
Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats with Peggy Hoyt was Johnna Devereaux, a clinical pet nutritionist, founder of Fetch RI, a holistic pet boutique and Director of the Bow Wow Labs Nutrition and Wellness Center.
Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats with host, Peggy Hoyt, featured Dr. Raye Taylor. Dr. Taylor is a veterinarian with Blue Skies This organization focuses on end of life care for our beloved pets.
Today’s guest was Kim Pruett. Kim is a “retired” rescuer and self-made animal advocate. Kim’s life changed in a big way about fifteen years ago when she adopted her dog Rebel (now 15) from a shelter.
Today’s show featured Pet Perennials co-founder, Remy Bibaud. Remy and her partner, Lori, created Cherished Ones, LLC and Pet Perennials in response to their own loved pets that had passed away.
Today we welcomed to All My Children Wear Fur Coats with Peggy Hoyt our special guest, Dr. Emily Stein. Dr. Stein is known as the Bacteria Whisperer because she knows and understands things about bacteria that no one ever thought about.
Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats was CEO and Founder of buzzn, Min An. Min is a pharmacist who recognizes the benefits of CBD oil for both people and pets. He has put his experience to work with buzzn, a company that produces CBD oil for both pets and their pet parents.
All My Children Wear Fur Coats (the podcast) was honored to speak today to Stephen Bardy, Executive Director of the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando (PAGO). Steve shared with the listeners some of the exciting initiatives being undertaken by PAGO to make the lives of Central Florida pets better.
Today’s show on All My Children Wear Fur Coats featured Rachel Clark with the Community Health Coalition. Their mission is to eradicate rabies one vaccine at a time. You can find more information at
Todays show was super exciting! We met Jason Hanny and Hector Ocasio, the co-founders of Pet Connect, a petfriendly application for your phone. You can visit the app store on your phone today to download!