This week on All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Jeff Johnson illustrated the remarkable abilities of canines and explained how Can Do Canines is transforming the lives of individuals with disabilities by fostering mutually beneficial partnerships with specially trained pups.

Jeff Johnson serves as the executive director of Can Do Canines, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free assistance dogs to individuals with disabilities. Founded in 1989, Can Do Canines serves individuals with mobility issues, individuals with Type 1 Diabetes, individuals suffering from seizures, individuals with hearing impairments, and children with autism. The organization primarily breeds Labradors and Labrador mixes due to their exceptional intelligence and friendly temperament, which make them ideal candidates for service work.

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This week, on All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Aileen Cronin discussed the balance between pet ownership and parenthood, and provided tips for integrating newborn babies into families with dogs.

Aileen Cronin is an expert canine behavior consultant with over a decade of experience. Her transformative journey through motherhood inspired her to establish Baby Pack Leader, a company dedicated to helping expectant parents prepare their canine for a new baby’s arrival and address behavioral issues in the home. Baby Pack Leader offers various resources including workshops, downloadable guides, and training programs. They also provide the Bringing Home Baby board and meet service, which involves boarding and training a family’s dog during the baby’s first week to help everyone – people and dogs through the transition.

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Recently, on All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Taylor Chastain Griffin illuminated the healing potential of cats, and explained how Pet Partners is working to enhance accessibility to therapy animals.

Taylor Chastain Griffin holds a Doctorate Degree in research psychology with a concentration on animal assisted therapy. She is the executive director of the Association of Animal Assisted Intervention Professionals (AAAIP), and the national director of AAI advancement for Pet Partners. Pet Partners is an international therapy organization that provides training and resources for volunteer therapy animals. The organization matches volunteers with suitable populations within their community, while providing liability insurance to handlers.

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This week on All My Children Wear Fur Coats we had the pleasure of speaking with Jody L. Teiche, natural pet wellness expert and coach at The Hound Healer.


Jody helps her clients address conditions in their pets and overall health through natural means. Jody is a certified pet homeopathic educator and teaches about good nutrition and alternative healing methods. She hosts a podcast called The Hound Healer which can be found on Pet Life Radio and other platforms.

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Heather Beck created K9 Lifeline® to save the lives of dogs.  In 1995, she moved to Utah and attended a local adoption event.  For Heather, this was a life-changing experience.  She says, unlike some other dog trainers, “I was not raised by wolves,” nor did she grow up with dogs.  However, she loves dogs and has a special empathy for them.  She has been years working with shelters and rescues, fostering hundred of dogs and learning everything she could to make dogs “more adoptable.”  Read more

Today’s guest was Toriano Sanzone, a Master Dog Trainer who has been training dogs professionally for more than twenty years.  He is the author of “Wolfkeepers – Dog Training With Love – Proven Strategies from a Master Dog Trainer” and the CEO/Founder of Wolfkeeper University.  Toriano has trained dogs all over the world and has had the opportunity to work with other well-known dog trainers, including Cesar Milan, James Morgan, Walter Ward, and many more.   

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Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats was Susan Briggs, a Certified Professional Animal Care Operator, author, speaker and pet care business expert.  Along with Robin Bennett, a previous guest on our show, she is the Co-founder of The Dog Gurus, the nation’s premier resource for dog care professionals.    Read more

Did you know that 1 in 7 dogs are affected by separation anxiety?  This is anxiety where a dog may exhibit behavior problems when they can’t be with their owners.  Common symptoms might include excessive barking, attempts to escape their environment, destructiveness, or potty accidents, just to name a few.  Sometimes these symptoms can mimic other issues such as a medical condition or common puppy behaviors.  If you want to know if your dog has separation anxiety, you can take the quiz at    Read more

Today’s guest was Kim Merritt, co-founder and chief advocate for Good Dog in a Box.  Good Dog in a Box is a dog products company with it’s roots in positive reinforcement dog training.