Did you know that 1 in 7 dogs are affected by separation anxiety?  This is anxiety where a dog may exhibit behavior problems when they can’t be with their owners.  Common symptoms might include excessive barking, attempts to escape their environment, destructiveness, or potty accidents, just to name a few.  Sometimes these symptoms can mimic other issues such as a medical condition or common puppy behaviors.  If you want to know if your dog has separation anxiety, you can take the quiz at Calmerk9.com.    Read more

Today’s guest was Kim Merritt, co-founder and chief advocate for Good Dog in a Box.  Good Dog in a Box is a dog products company with it’s roots in positive reinforcement dog training.

Today’s guest was Kim Pruett.  Kim is a “retired” rescuer and self-made animal advocate.  Kim’s life changed in a big way about fifteen years ago when she adopted her dog Rebel (now 15) from a shelter.

Today’s show on All My Children Wear Fur Coats featured Rachel Clark with the Community Health Coalition.  Their mission is to eradicate rabies one vaccine at a time.  You can find more information at knockoutrabies.org.

Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats was Susan Chamberlain, an Executive Board member with the Long Island Parrot Society.  The Long Island Parrot Society was founded in 1985 as a bird club.