Recently, on All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Erica Messer recounted her personal journey through pet bereavement, and discussed how Wolfie’s Wish assists individuals who are coping with the loss of a pet.

Erica Messer is a board-certified pet bereavement specialist. After the loss of her beloved cat, Wolfgang, Erica suffered through a tremendously difficult grieving process. Through this experience, she noticed a lack of suitable resources for coping with pet loss. To assist those facing similar circumstances, Erica founded Wolfie’s Wish, a company specializing in sympathy cards designed specifically for mourning pet owners. Wolfie’s Wish grieving cards offer daily affirmations and practices that guide individuals in navigating their emotions and advancing on their path towards healing.

The philosophy behind Wolfie’s Wish stems, in part, from Erica’s experience with addiction and recovery. From her perspective, anyone is capable of healing if they are willing to put in the work. Wolfie’s Wish grieving cards are intended to act as a catalyst for personal growth by providing bite-sized therapeutic exercises that can be completed on a day-to-day basis.

In addition to supporting pet parents, Wolfie’s Wish has relieved some of the pressure placed upon veterinarians and pet funeral home staff. These professionals frequently shoulder the responsibility of offering consolation to their clients, despite lacking formal training as counselors or therapists. By providing a judgement free community for pet owners, Wolfie’s Wish helps to alleviate some of the emotional burden placed on individuals in these professions.

Erica is an advocate for recognizing pet loss as a legitimate form of grief. She noted the societal shift in the way we think about our pets, indicating that people are forming closer relationships with their pets than ever before. As a result, we are grieving the loss of our pets to a greater extent than we did in the past. Erica contended that losing a pet is just as traumatic as losing a human family member.

Erica also addressed the necessity of pet bereavement leave, recognizing its importance for both employers and employees. She questioned why an employer would want an unproductive, emotionally distraught employee interfacing with customers. Additionally, Erica illustrated the overwhelming feelings faced by grieving pet parents. She detailed the psychological impact of restructuring one’s schedule to cope with the loss of a pet. Erica asserted that, between emotional and financial stressors, occupational stress is the last thing a lamenting pet parent should add to the equation.

To view resources for pet bereavement, visit or

Please don’t neglect to protect your loved pet with a Pet Trust! Visit for more information.