On a recent episode of All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Michelle Frye and Paige Ohlenburg explored the current landscape of pet healthcare, highlighting how Kedi Labs is improving accessibility for pet owners.

Michelle Frye and Paige Ohlenburg have over 40 years of combined experience in the veterinary industry. They identified a significant gap in veterinary care: the increasing costs of diagnostic testing and medical treatment were causing pet owners to resort to empirical treatments that might not be ideal for their pets’ specific conditions. Michelle and Paige’s mutual goal is to offer affordable, advanced diagnostic testing for pets, thereby improving the accuracy of diagnoses and the quality of care. Driven by their passion for animal welfare and preventative care, the duo founded Kedi Labs, an innovative at-home testing solution for diagnosing pet illnesses.

Michelle explained how Kedi Labs’s process works. Pet owners can select tests based on their pet’s symptoms, considering both the severity and duration of those symptoms. In case guidance is needed to select the appropriate test, KediLabs.com includes a live chat feature with 24/7 support. The test collection kit includes a special container that is used to collect your pet’s discharge, diarrhea or other samples. The order is then shipped to a veterinary certified diagnostic laboratory for analysis, and results are typically returned within days. Results will indicate whether your pet’s condition is contagious to you or other pets, as well as which antibiotics, if any, will be effective. Every test includes a complimentary virtual consultation with a board-certified veterinarian.

In addition to lab tests, Kedi Labs offers rapid tests that can be processed at home. They are limited to fewer pathogens in a channel, but they provide accurate results in a matter of minutes from the comfort of your home.

Michelle provided an example of how molecular genetic testing improves pet healthcare. She discussed the weaknesses in traditional diagnostic tests for parasites like giardia. The tests were notoriously inaccurate, often producing false negatives. Thanks to advancements in testing, Kedi Labs can accurately identify a wide range of parasites, including those like tritrichomonas that were historically challenging to detect.

To find out more about Kedi Labs, or to order a diagnostic test, please visit KediLabs.com. Follow Kedi Labs on Facebook at Facebook.com/KediPets.


Please remember to protect your beloved pet with a Pet Trust! Learn more at ACT4Pets.org!