Recently, on All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Bill Stewart shared insightful knowledge on caring for reptiles and recognizing their therapeutic applications.

Bill Stewart is the facility director for Badgerland Reptile Rescue, an organization that finds homes for displaced reptiles and amphibians. As a lifetime reptile enthusiast, Bill is passionate about educating the public on reptile behavior and health, their incredible adaptability, and their importance to the environment. He passionately supports reptile advocacy, underscoring that these creatures are often misunderstood and feared.

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This week on All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Jeff Johnson illustrated the remarkable abilities of canines and explained how Can Do Canines is transforming the lives of individuals with disabilities by fostering mutually beneficial partnerships with specially trained pups.

Jeff Johnson serves as the executive director of Can Do Canines, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free assistance dogs to individuals with disabilities. Founded in 1989, Can Do Canines serves individuals with mobility issues, individuals with Type 1 Diabetes, individuals suffering from seizures, individuals with hearing impairments, and children with autism. The organization primarily breeds Labradors and Labrador mixes due to their exceptional intelligence and friendly temperament, which make them ideal candidates for service work.

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