Today’s guest on All My Children Wear Fur Coats with host, Peggy Hoyt, featured Dr. Raye Taylor.  Dr. Taylor is a veterinarian with Blue Skies  This organization focuses on end of life care for our beloved pets.

Today’s show is my favorite subject – Estate Planning for Pets!  It’s the reason I wrote “All My Children Wear Fur Coats” and the reason I founded Animal Care Trust USA, Inc.

All My Children Wear Fur Coats (the podcast) was honored to speak today to Stephen Bardy, Executive Director of the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando (PAGO).  Steve shared with the listeners some of the exciting initiatives being undertaken by PAGO to make the lives of Central Florida pets better. 

Doc’s pet parent died without a plan.  As a result, Doc and his sister, Rasha went to live at the Wild Horse Rescue Center in Mims, Florida.